A New Level of Futureproofing
for the Healthcare Environment

The most flexible solutions to future-proof your hospital.

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  • We’re committed to solving tomorrow’s challenges today with agile, futureproof healthcare nurse call systems and bespoke containment solutions that maximise patient care and staff efficiency.
  • For over 70 years we have continued to adapt our systems and innovate to set a new standard for nurse call technology and ensure healthcare operations run as smoothly as possible.
  • 12 Innovative, scalable systems used by NHS Trusts

    Innovative, scalable systems used by NHS Trusts

  • 12 Advanced, HTM compliant technology

    Advanced, HTM compliant technology

  • 12 Flexible IP network that allows for easy rerouting

    Flexible IP network that allows for easy rerouting

  • Members of Wandsworth’s healthcare team were called upon to assist in the creation of the Department of Health’s current guidelines for bedhead Nurse Call services, HTM08-03.
  • Our rigorous research and development process includes NHS Trust user group workshop meetings.
  • Wandsworth Healthcare teams have even assisted in drafting specific requirement criteria for which products should conform to HTM 08-03 guidelines for nurse call.
  • Our innovative systems are trusted by NHS Trusts and clinical staff throughout the UK. 
  • Merging the latest hardware and software with open standards, our solutions can easily adapt to future advances to offer a system that is always fit for purpose. 
  • Providing a flexible IP network that can be easily re-routed, extended and repurposed, our experts can deliver solutions that offer the freedom to add features from any provider.

Case Study:
Norfolk and Norwich
NHS Trust

Wandsworth Healthcare were delighted to partner the Norfolk and Norwich NHS Trust in an innovative installation of IPiN, a fully IP nurse call system complete with mobile integrations.

Find Out More

After having an established relationship with Wandsworth, we were pleased to find that the system we chose allowed for Wandsworth to remotely adapt and new function on the system that was required urgently.

Anne- Marie Tooley
Capital Projects Manager
Basildon & Thurrock University Hospital