
Improving patient safety and patient support.

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  • Here at Wandsworth Healthcare, we make improving patient safety a priority and empower clinical settings with advanced patient care solutions designed to make a difference.
  • From fully IP nurse call systems that facilitate the highest level of patient care to adaptable bedhead services, we deliver cost-effective, reliable products that help healthcare professionals excel and ensure patient safety in their facility.
  • 10 Futureproof systems that effectively address patient safety issues

    Futureproof systems that effectively address patient safety issues

  • 10 Continual development of products to help clinical teams mitigate risks

    Continual development of products to help clinical teams mitigate risks

  • 10 Leading nurse call solutions trusted by healthcare professionals

    Leading nurse call solutions trusted by healthcare professionals

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Improve Patient Safety and Quality of Care With our Futureproof Patient Care Solutions

  • We’re proud to collaborate with NHS trusts and clinical staff to enhance healthcare operations for years to come.
  • Our futureproof systems are designed to address existing and future healthcare challenges to allow clinical teams to mitigate patient safety risks and provide life-critical communication. 
  • Our unrivalled IPiN Evolution nurse call systems set a new standard for patient monitoring equipment, allowing healthcare teams to be instantly notified of risks to patient safety.
  •  This flexible nurse call solution can be easily integrated with third-party systems to meet the specific needs of your facility and addresses future challenges in relation to patient safety.

Case Study:
Royal National
Orthopaedic Stanmore

The Royal National Orthopaedic Stanmore is a leading Orthopaedic hospital for London and South East specialising in injuries. It was a brand new build with 5 floors when we took the project in 2017. Firstly we sat with the clinical team to map out a bespoke system that would work for them. The project used IPiN Evo and INSiTE as well as Vocera.

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On Behalf of the NHS, the Patients this hospital will care for and their families I want to say thank you

Professor Michael McCourt
CEO nightingale North West.