Leading Staff Attack Technologies
for Healthcare Facilities

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  • To effectively safeguard both staff and patients, our modular nurse call system allows the connection of wireless and hard-wired staff attack technologies as standard.
  •  IPiN Evolution can integrate with a variety of staff safety technologies that will enable clinical staff to raise the alarm and be located quickly, efficiently and safely.
  • 9 Alarms raised with the touch of a button

    Alarms raised with the touch of a button

  • 9 Responsive staff attack functionality

    Responsive staff attack functionality

  • 9 Ensures the continued safety and wellbeing of staff

    Ensures the continued safety and wellbeing of staff

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Reliable Staff Security Systems for The Healthcare Sector

  • Our nurse call system allows calls to be either fixed or mobile, meaning that staff movement can be traced following a staff attack alarm being raised.
  • With our HTM 08-03 compliant nurse call solutions, healthcare professionals will receive an immediate response in the event of a potential attack once the button is pressed.

Case Study:
NHS Nightingale Hospital North West

As the UK’s leading supplier of wired and wireless nurse call technology, Wandsworth Healthcare was delighted to be chosen as the sole supplier of state-of-the-art wireless nurse call systems for the NHS Nightingale Hospital North West.

Find Out More

I felt supported through the whole design and installation process and felt that the Wandsworth team really understood our needs.

Ian Cunningham
Serco FM for Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital